The Art of E-Teaching

The Art of E-Teaching - a teachers' prespective

A teacher’s perspective on – the art of e-teaching

The art of teaching lies in learning itself. In the nine years of my teaching career, I have probably learned much more than I was taught while I was on the other side of the fence. The present scenario caused due to the outbreak of the pandemic has forced almost every profession and career to adapt to a new way or approach. The field of teaching too is no exception.

Being one of the most dynamic fields, teaching has now taken up a new avatar ie e- teaching. This has involved a drastic shift from the relatively mundane chalk and talk methodology to a digital system involving the extensive use of gadgets backed by a supporting network. Teaching in such conditions is undoubtedly challenging and so is the process of learning for children. 

E-Teaching and Learning: A Detailed Insight

the art of e-teaching - a teacher's perspective on the digital transformation

The joy of entering a vibrant classroom brimming with lively children is greatly missed. Teacher- student interaction is now minimalized. The focus is more on meeting deadlines, finishing the syllabus especially with regard to board classes, ensuring projects are submitted on time, so on and so forth is what we teachers are in a rat race for. Class interaction, discussions, debates etc. have been reduced considerably. All this has resulted in the lack of motivation for the students and the teachers likewise. Another important challenge that needs to be mentioned is that all the children are not technologically sound nor well equipped. 

Adapting, adjusting and giving the children our very best is our main objective. However, nothing is impossible and there is always light at the end of the tunnel. This situation has helped us take an extra step forward to make our digital classes even more informative and interesting in order to keep students comfortable, responsive and engrossed. We as teachers too have learnt so much more about technology which under normal circumstances we would have never had the need to know of.

But all said and done, we look forward to better times when we can enter our classrooms and get a chance to reunite with our students. Nothing can really replace classroom teaching where children come ready to learn and look up to their teachers as role models.

Chenella Lawless-Sam
Chenella Lawless-Sam
Assistant Teacher at St. Thomas Girl's School, Kolkata | [email protected]

Middle School Coordinator at St. Thomas Girl's School, Kolkata, Chenella studied at St Teresa's Secondary School and graduated from Loreto College. She completed her masters and pursued her B.Ed from St. Xavier's Autonomous College, Kolkata.

She has been an Assistant Teacher for the past 9 years at St. Thomas Girl's School where she started her career. She was privileged to start the Political Science Department in the school. Chanella is also involved in training students for various extra-curricular activities and assists in planning and organizing school events and outreach programs for the underprivileged of our society.

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